What Are The Steps of Common Area Carpet Cleaning?
People tend to ignore common area carpet cleaning. That’s a mistake - for an unclean common area carpet will jeopardise your cleaning plans. So the best carpet cleaners will always focus on Common Areas carpet cleaning. They will follow a few steps to clean common area carpets: They will move all the furniture: Moving out the furniture and fittings is the first step to start with. Conduct comprehensive vacuum cleaning: Once the area is clear they would conduct comprehensive vacuum cleaning to remove the loose dirt and dust. Address the spots and stains and remove them: They will address the spots and stains on the carpets and remove them with the use of the appropriate cleaning supplies and tools. Dust and mop the hard floor surface: They will dust and mop the hard floor surface alongside the carpets Damp mop the stone surfaces using neutral detergent: When it comes to cleaning stone surfaces, they will damp mop the stone surfaces wi...